Rethinking Tafsīr in the Light of Redefining its Basic Terms

نویسنده: ،
مقاله نشریه: Textual and Translation Analysis in Islamic Studies » سال 2023 شماره 1
کلیدواژه: Tafsīr ، Mabnā ، Aṣl ، Qā'ida ، Terminology
Tafsīr literature has a long and rich history among all fields of Islamic sciences. In spite of this, it has not been able to form an independent scientific discipline along with all its dimensions. We believe that to turn Tafsīr into science, it is necessary to take some measures, including redefining the basic terms. This paper aims to provide some possible answers to the problem of defining, namely, what the most important terms in the Tafsīr field are, and how to come up with comprehensive definitions for its terms. Building on terminological evidence, this descriptive-analytical research discusses the formation of the four terms “Tafsīr” (interpretation), “Mabnā” (basis), “Aṣl” (principle) and “Qā'ida” (rule), as the key concepts in the Tafsīr field. We argued that these terms must be redefined through terminological methods. We believe that the very concept of Tafsīr means expressing the meanings and practical contents (Mūfād Istimālī) of the Qur’ānic verses and discovering their Purposes (Maqāsid) and Referents (Madālīl). The Mabānī al-Tafsīr are the basic concepts and macro scientific presumptions for the Qur’ānic text. Finally, the term “Uṣūl al-Tafsīr” are radical components with a Qur’ānic nature which are the mediator between “Mabnā” and “Qā‘ida”.

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دفتر تبلیغات اسلامی حوزه علمیه قم - 1397