ترجمه كتاب Being-in-the-World: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time

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ترجمه كتاب ‏Being-in-the-World: A Commentary on ‎Heidegger s Being and Time

طرح پژوهشی: انگليسي به فارسي » از تاریخ: 1396/08/29 تا تاریخ: 1398/08/29

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مقاله نشریه: Journal of Islamic Political Studies » سال 2022 شماره 2

Augustine and Ibn Sina on Souls in the Afterlife

نویسنده: isa mousazadeh ،
مقاله نشریه: Theosophia Islamica » سال 2021 شماره 1

Analysis of Civilization and Formation of "Order" in the Islamic World

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Cultural Experiences in Confronting the Dilemmas of Takfir in the Islamic World

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مقاله نشریه: Journal of Islamic Political Studies » سال 2020 شماره 3

Is the Human Death A Result of Adam's Sin? A Comparative Study of Quran and Bible on Death

مقاله نشریه: Theosophia Islamica » سال 2021 شماره 2

A Study of Translators’ Faith and Eschatological Terms in the Qur’ān: A Comparative Study of Muslim, Christian and Jewish Translations

نویسنده: Samad Mirza Suzani ،
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طرح پژوهشی: انگليسي به فارسي » از تاریخ: 1395/12/11 تا تاریخ: 1396/12/11
دفتر تبلیغات اسلامی حوزه علمیه قم - 1397